Nature Play On Vancouver Island

Nature Kindergarten On Vancouver Island

Kindness In Kindergarten

The children and I have been talking about kindness and what does that look, sound and feel like. We are reading many books, had casual and focused conversations and last week we decided to add a kindness jar to our classroom. Over the day I add pom poms when I notice a kindness. The secret kindness detective will report to me throughout the day (very quietly and in a whispering voice) and I will add pom poms. When a visitor to our room is kind I will add pom poms.

We have been discussing how we will celebrate when our jar is full. Here are some of their wonderful ideas:

Bake cookies for Mrs. Radigan’s class.
Create a collaborative piece of art for Mrs. D (their beloved secretary).
Decorate the front doors to the school.
Hang hearts on the school driftwood tree.
Hang our classroom chandelier.
Make a kindness mural for the hallway.
Surprise Mr. J. with a super clean classroom and a card full of hearts.

Everyone is so conscious of the many kindnesses taking place in our room. It is superamazing!!!!

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