A colleague asked me today what are my favourite transition games to play with Kindergarten or Grade One students. You know those longer transitions when you gather up your kids for a mini lesson or read aloud and your students need a focus while they wait for the rest of the group to join you at the carpet. A good transition game enables students to join in as they finish their task. Three of my September favourites are 1. Chants Who Took The Cookies From the Cookie Jar? I love this chant because it can be done in line up, on a field trip waiting for a late bus or speaker or during circle time. Once taught the children love it! Check our my Pinterest category Transition Games for the frame, some teaching tips like pace, and the words including a youtube video. This great game is also featured in at least 3 excellent picture books found at this link http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-key......
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