Nature Play On Vancouver Island

Nature Kindergarten On Vancouver Island

PROCESS ART: One of the children's favourite table centres is the Glue Table which we set out regularly. Sometimes it's intended for children to create a personal collage piece and other times it is a group activity. For example, occasionally we set out a dedicated glue table that sits there for a few days inviting children to come and work on the collage piece during their explore time.  In December the children used leftover fabric scarps, christmas glitter, pom poms, feathers, recycled water colour paintings cut up and coloured pasta. As our art values the process, children become masters at cutting, layering, making decisions, expressing ideas, sharing ideas, helping each other and being creative.  During January we will offer both experiences; a personal collage and a group collage and I can't wait to see what they create. If you are setting out a glue table here are a few expectations: Clean the glue lids every day and refill the bottles regularly. Teach the children ......
Reggo Inspired Classrooms -getting ready to teach children for today through process learning, connection with materials and nurturing relationships. My work partner and I spend a lot of time observing children, listening to their theories and coconstucting experiences by allowing the children to lead the play.  These are important pillars of our early learning curriculum. Children use familiar materials including art and loose parts to create stories, collaborate, problem solve, share theories, socialize and generally do what children do - play. While we do have all of the play models we are seeing larger groups of children playing and planning together. This week my work partner and I visted our classroom to make some changes to reflect the social growth of our students. Drawing upon our curriculum and reflecting upon our observations we began to: -increase physical space to build bigger projects with materials like blocks and trains -add  physical space to build in larger p......