Liz Mccaw
Opportunities to work with a variety of materials and media will support the children as they deepen their understandings and translate their ideas from 2D to 3D. I have been collecting wire, clay, stones and cardboard for this upcoming exploration. This will be integrated with art as the children explore creating sculptures with wire, clay, plastercine and other collage materials.
Stone Darts
In the forest and seashore I will continue to provide opportunities to develop mathematical and literacy skills.
As you know Valentine Day is coming up soon. I have sent home a class list of student names for the children to make their cards. I have planned a celebration with the children on Wednesday Feb 10th. We are calling it a Teddy Bear Picnic the last school day before Valentine Day. The children can wear their PJ's and bring a stuffy. I will have treats (berry juice boxes and a bear paw treat). Please remember not to send in treats this year with the valentines and if using envelopes please don't lick them. :) Stickers instead of treats are fine.
This past month I introduced spin art to the children. They have made several pieces most of which has been sent home. This week we made spin art snowmen to decorate the halls at school. Spin Art Hearts are on next week's art table.
It has been interesting to listen to the children compare the seasons especially since it has gotten colder. This week we have begun to talk about snow and we are beginning to share their beautiful and unique theories about where it comes from "drops of a cloud"...
In language arts the children have been doing word hunts with our songs/poems. Their daily drawings have much more colour and some are beginning to add titles to the stories. I have also begun to scribe a story for each child once a week. They wrote wonderful stories about Family in Winter last week. Our next topic will be What Makes Me Happy, an extension of our conversations about naming our feelings.
Story play has continued to evoke interest with the children. It is such a delight to observe and discuss their stories. As requested by the children, I have begun to photograph and scribe the stories a couple each day.
The children completed their two most recent collaborations; a chandelier which has been hung in their cubby and a cardboard mural which is currently on display in the school foyer. They are very interested in rainbows and have decided to make a "recycled rainbow" using a canvas frame, the milk bottle caps that families sent in and some other colourful loose parts. I love these collaborations that evolve over time and the conversations and thinking that accompany them.
Thank you, Liz McCaw
Februry 2021 Newsletter
Friday 29 January 2021
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