Happy Saturday Families!!!
The children have been super busy enjoying having two ECE teachers and myself this past week. They have spent some time getting to know Ms. Jacklin and enjoying her gentle and playful approach to teaching. Like Ms. Sherry, Ms. Jacklin brings a wealth of experience to our classroom. When Seamless Kindergarten begins Ms. Jacklin and Ms. Sherry schedules will change to reflect before and after school hours.
The change in weather will include a return to our outdoor learning. This week we will be enjoying field play as our first learning block and then transition into the classroom around 10am. Please dress your child in layers for this activity.
Our new show and tell schedule will include a shift in focus as we are integrating rhyme into this activity. Please choose an item with your child that together you can create a rhyming word as clues. I will send home clothe bags each Friday for the following week's children's sharing. If your child misses their day please return the empty bag and we will send home a new date for your child as we will only do two children each day. A show and tell schedule will be sent home on Monday,
I am introducing new math games this month and thought these two would be fun to try at home:
TENZI has been really popular I have included a video link if you are interested in playing it at home. This game is really fun for those children who enjoy competition and at the same time work on subitizing (instantly recognize a dot pattern) and requires 20 dice (inexpensive at the dollar tree)
BREAK THE ICE I could not find a video but hope the instruction works for you. This fast paced game also works on subitizing.
Materials: two toothpickS, 1 cup, saran wrap, elastic, die, loose parts
Cover top of cup with saran wrap and hold in place with an elastic. Please loose parts of top to add weight. Each player has a toothpick and die. Take turns rolling the die and poking the saran wrap with the number on the die. Keep going until the loose parts fall into the cup.
The Animals in WInter investigation launch went very well. The children have sorted themselves into groups and are learning a little more deeply about their group topic: hibernation, migration or adaptation. This week they are working on a 3D project, contributing to a information wall with pictures, ideas, and photos as well as enjoying lots of fiction and non fiction books & videos. I have integrated this investigation into different curricular areas including science, language arts and fine arts. I have added animals and shelter materials to the learning centres including blocks, magnet tiles and story play.
Our new Kindergarten class collaboration project will be introduced this week and involves sorting cardboard loose parts onto a large cardboard heart and then colour mixing complimentary colours to paint the cardboard.
Impulsive Behavior: January's return to school has included a noticeable increase in hands on behaviours with the children. In response our learning team has decided to increase the amount of time outdoors together with continued focus on solving conflicts peacefully and reducing these impulsive behaviors. We have identified 3 problem areas; our cubby, line up and school recess. Since we expect to have at least two adults in the room at any given time this month, we will be able to closely monitor these problem areas; coaching and supporting your children. At the same time we will continue to include lessons. on solving conflict peacefully.
Our Kindergarten team is hard at work to make our learning joyful and safe.
We have also decided to revisit our hand washing routines and will resume support at the sink for the remainder of the month. At home, please practice the hand washing routine as well.
Thank you,
The Kindergarten Team
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